Wednesday, October 5, 2011

drumroll, please

Will A Little Seed, A Little Water ever blog again??? We hear your cries, and the answer is Yes! Yes we will! Starting now!

We wanted to do something snazzy to debut ourselves back into the blogging world like a stop-motion video, and have been talking about it siiiiince........ August. Follow-through schmollow-through.

It feels ridiculous to not have blogged since my last week in Uganda, but I still don't quite know what to say. The past six months have been full of change, unspeakable joy, adventure, homesickness, and a full, full heart. All that can't fit in this little composition box, and I don't know which parts to write and which to leave out.

But I can say this, remember the Husband List? That was embarrassing, but we blogged about it because if blogs aren't for making a fool of yourself on the Internet, what are they for, right? Well.......

Despite many-a-conversation that I was afraid I would never fall in love... it HAPPENED--much to my surprise and almost overnight it seemed. Tomorrow, my wedding day will be on the 10-day forecast...that's when you know it's real!

His name is Chase, and even though I don't think he will ever bake me cookies like my old roommates, I think he will be pretty great. Plus, he makes a mean pot of coffee tells me he will always take out the trash. Plus, he's super hot.

After the wedding, and my big move to Nashville (did I mention I'm moving to Nashville?) I promise to blog my fingers off like the olden days. In the meantime, maybe you'll get some pre-wedding posts too.

Meagan got engaged too [because we live in an alternate universe that even makes us get zits in the same places at the same time], but I will let her tell you all about that. She is visiting right now for two weeks before the big day (Best Maid of Honor Award) and Cassidy comes in a few days! Exciting times in these parts. See ya soon!