Y'all, I got to visit a real-life backyard beehive with a real-life beekeeper yesterday!
There were so many bees. So close to my face. I even let one crawl on my hand which was obviously terrifying, but look how cool they are,

Not my hand, by the way. I was paralyzed with fear when the little devil was on me, and there is no way I could have operated a camera. Here's a couple more shots of the comb that required an extra dose of courage,

And here's the man of the hour, Backyard Beekeeper Will Crow.

He even let me dig into the comb right then and there to get a mouthful of honey. To say that it was the best honey I've ever tasted would be an understatement because I haven't tasted that much really good honey. I think it may be the best honey in the world. Right here in Auburn's own backyard! Who would have thought? Savannah Bee Company, look out.
Needless to say, I'm totally inspired. Look for me in 5 years. I'll be the one wearing a bee suit.
Totally saw a documentary this year at Columbia's documentary film festival, Colony, about bees & the disappearance of bee keepers!
I love this, we have a big honeybee furiously trying to pollinate a forsythia outside our home. Your site is super delightful and refreshing!