Monday, August 30, 2010

romantics, oh my!

apparently, it's a j.crew kind of day (but really, what day isn't!?).
just look at this photoshoot they recently did for The Romantics. sequins? adam brody? yes. please.
i cannot wait for this movie to come out

leah, thank you. this looks outrageously wonderful. and there is a book! i'm ordering it right now...
i hope this comes to atlanta soon!


  1. em & i read it last week.
    it was a good novel. you can tell she is a screen writer through her writing. i liked that aspect.

  2. and while we are at it...

    read her other commentary on jcrew & anthropologie catalouges. awesome.

  3. Aw. Katie Holmes is beautiful. The movie looks pretty sweet!
