do i love or hate what jcrew has done for children's fashion?
uh, LOVE it.
i know it may be a little much, but how adorable are these kids?!?
(anna b, i know you're passionately against me on this one, but you can not tell me these are not the cutest children ever)
also, those who know me well know that nothing gets me like a man in a pair of levis--way to start teaching them young, j.crew.
Not to mention what they have done for little people's fashion. Is that what they like to be called?
my kids are wearing crewcuts & patagonia kids. only.
ReplyDeleteapparently, y'all aren't the only ones. I wish crewcuts came in my size, like when I was in high school and I would sometimes still shop at gap kids because their tops were whimsical- wait? is that embarrassing? I can't decide. whatever- read this:
"nothing gets me like a man in a pair of levis". Amen sister. Amen.