Monday, March 22, 2010


Doesn't this look fab-ulous?

It's the week for interviews around here at a little seed, a little water. Meagan has two today in Atlanta, and I have one there on Thursday, and when we get jobs and turn into grown-ups in a few months, dinner will look like this every night. Vineyard in the back ground and everything. Atlanta... ah, wine country.

Lately, my notions of what the coming months will be like are shifting between poles of utter desolation and idyllic thrill. Some days I wake up ready to pack my bags for a year in some foreign country; others I can't even think of packing up my books without tearing up as I picture myself alone in a one-bedroom, white-walled apartment with no furniture eating frozen pizza off of the cardboard box.

I would rather just not face this, but like every change before, I suspect it will be filled with quiet, meager hope not of my own, even when it's masked with fear like today.

Photo from One Love Photo


  1. really random but my dad rents those chairs haha, sorry not a very deep comment for such a serious bloggy :)

  2. atlanta's not so bad. but fear not: you are not alone. i'm a "grown-up"... well kinda: i'm married with two degrees and a dog--does that count? anyway and i STILL swing lightly between those poles. such is life. the tricky part is figuring out how to be content no matter what. when you've mastered that, lemme know ;) xoxoox
